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About .Racing

Is a competition of speed, against an objective criterion, usually a clock or to specific point.

Forms of racing: running, walking, swimming, cycling, winter racing, air racing, motor racing, boat racing, animal racing.

Did you know?

The first automobile race held in the United States on 28 November 1895, sponsored by the Chicago Times Herald.

The F1 race is considered as the highest form of car racing sanctioned by the Federation Internationale de l'Automobile.

Less than 3 seconds, that’s the average Formula 1 pit stop.

The top F1 teams spend around $500,000,000 each year.

After each F1 race it has been calculated that on average a driver will lose about 4kg in weight.

The first woman to take part in an F1 race was in 1958, Maria Teresa de Filippis.
Horseracing is Britain’s second-favourite sport after football.

While a human heart beats between 60 and 100 times per minute at rest, racehorses have resting heartrates of just 40 beats per minute.

People are estimated to bet around $100 billion per year on horseracing.
It turns out that snow shovels aren’t just for shovelling snow, its winter a sport!

Participants race down a snowy mountainside. The sport began in the 70s. Now there are snow shovel world championships held every February in New Mexico.

One of the most weirdest sports: wok racing. Racers sit in a wok and zip down an icy bobsled run. The fastest to the bottom is the winner. The sport started as a joke when a German TV host included it on his show in 2003, but it soon developed into a real sport.

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